Be inspired by these classic Swedish color combinations using Ottosson Linseed Oil Paint.
Window sash: Copenhagen Green
Window trim: Putty White
Exterior siding: Yellow Ochre
Window sash: Falu Red
Window trim: White Cream
Exterior siding: Sand Yellow
Window sash: White Cream
Window trim: Ardbeg Green
Exterior siding: Iron Oxide Minium
Window sash: Golden Yellow
Window trim: Warm Grey
Exterior siding: Iron Oxide Minium
Window sash:
25% Wheat Grey / 75% White Titanium Zinc
Window trim:
25% Wheat Grey / 75% White Titanium Zinc
Exterior siding: Ardbeg Green
Window sash: White Titanium Zinc
Window trim: Umber Grey
Exterior siding:
25% Umber Grey / 75% White Titanium Zinc
Window sash: Red Ochre
Window trim:
50% Light Grey / 50% Antique Green
Exterior siding:
25% Wheat Grey / 75% White Titanium Zinc
Window sash: Mountain Blue
Window trim: White Cream
Exterior siding: Warm Grey
Window sash: Leaf Green
Window trim: Light Grey
Exterior siding:
25% Red Ochre / 75% White Titanium Zinc
Window sash: Burnt Terra
Window trim: Ardbeg Green
Exterior siding: Ribban Green
Window sash: Gold Ochre
Window trim:
25% Wheat Grey / 75% White Titanium Zinc
Exterior siding: Antique Green
Window sash: Warm Grey
Window trim: White Cream
Exterior siding: Dark Grey
Window sash: Warm Grey
Window trim: White Cream
Exterior siding: Italian Green Umber / Ombre Naturelle
Window sash: Gold Ochre
Window trim: Ardbeg Green
Exterior siding: Bone Black
Window sash: Putty White
Window trim: Putty White
Exterior siding: Putty White
Window sash: Leaf Green
Window trim: Leaf Green
Exterior siding: White Cream
Window sash: Copenhagen Green
Window trim: Copenhagen Green
Exterior siding:
50% Wheat Grey / 50% White Titanium Zinc
Window sash: Gold Ochre
Window trim: Core Green
Exterior siding: Wheat Grey
How well do the Ottosson reds, blues, and greens retain their color over time in sunlight? Does one pigment last longer than the others? I ask because I am restoring old windows and intend to paint the sashes a dark color. ~Chris