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Le Tonkinois No. 1 Linseed Oil Varnish: 1 Liter

Designed to hold-up in harsh marine conditions, Le Tonkinois manufactures some of the best linseed oil-based varnishes in the world.


Le Tonkinois No 1. Linseed Oil Varnish is appropriate for exterior and interior bare wood applications, including porch floors and decks, wooden boats, paneling, hardwood flooring, furniture, cabinetry, etc.


Linseed Oil Varnish is absorbed into the wood over time and does not require removal before re-application. It does not dramatically peel, crack, and bubble like many modern varnishes or polyurethane finishes that may need to be stripped and reapplied on a yearly basis.


Ideal to apply a “primer” coat of Le Tonkinois Bio Impression Primer, a combination of several highly resinous oils, or the Viking Purified Raw Linseed Oil on a clean, dry bare wood surface. Allow “primer” to dry fully before the application of multiple coats of Linseed Oil Varnish. Without a “primer” coat, very dry wood may shorten the lifespan of the finish by prematurely soaking in the linseed oil in the varnish and leaving the more brittle tung oil behind.


The Le Tonkinois No 1. requires occasional maintenance to preserve the build-up of surface protection every 3-5 years, depending on conditions.


This is a pure resin modified through high temperature curing. Formulated with linseed oil and tung oil. Solvent-free. Not 100% petrochemical free – includes under 2.5% drier.


A bright, glossy finish can be made matte by adding the Gelomat additive to the final coat.


Great UV resistance.


Fast drying.




Le Tonkinois No. 1 Linseed Oil Varnish: 1 Liter

SKU: 0720

    Clean old or dirty wood if needed with Linseed Oil Soap, rinse well, and allow to dry fully. Some light hand sanding may be required to address raised grain.


    Work to avoid dust or other particles getting into the can or onto the wood surface before application. Vacuum and wipe down as needed to get the smoothest finish.


    Do not shake the can.


    Do not stir or thin the varnish. Use as-is straight from the can.


    Apply even coats with a brush or clean cloth/pad.


    Typically, dry to the touch in 8 hrs with ideal 60+ degree ambient temperatures and with good air circulation.


    24 hrs between coats is recommended.


    Avoid interactions with silicone – can inhibit adhesion of Linseed Oil Varnish.

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